Sunday, December 11, 2011

Vision Quest

What ever happened to the sacred ritual of the vision quest? When an tribe member would take off alone into the wild searching for their purpose, their gift, the vision for life. Before choosing your career did you ever take the time to think about what sort of work you would do and how that might contribute to the planet? Sometimes our choices are made on a whim, a lack of a better option, or someone else's idea for us.
I feel myself to be among the group of people that were not born knowing what they would do, and do not have a strong sense of career. I could certainly benefit from a vision quest - but do I really need to travel far away in order to attain clarity?

Here is a nice article on finding meaningful work: Creating Work that Feeds the Planet

And here is a nice quote that reminds us meaningful does not mean that we must suffer in order to serve:

"Our calling is where our deepest gladness and the world’s hunger meet." Frederick Buechner, theologian

1 comment:

  1. Clarity comes in small bursts...hidden among confusion and unsurity--at least for this girl.

    Love you Lady!



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