Friday, October 21, 2011

What's Your Manifesto?

If someone were to write a manifesto according to how you lived your life, would you like what it said? Would it resonate with how you desire to live?
Sometimes I find myself caught up in idealistic thoughts about how to live, but the decisions I make don't always match up with those ideals.  What would it take to start making decisions based upon your personal manifesto for life? Well, the first step would be to actually have a manifesto. Deliberately write down the things, thoughts, and ways of being that you value, then post it somewhere conspicuous so that you will be reminded of it everyday. Often all we need is a little inspiration and a gentle reminder in order to start making decisions that are inline with what we believe.
Don't know where to start? Here is a manifesto that I love.
Holstee Manifesto Poster
(The Holstee Manifesto -

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