Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rain in Paradise

Must all trips have such a dramatic low point?

Island Hopping and Diving- A trip that is the envy of many a Rustic Thai staffer. And why wouldn’t it be? Bouncing around the unbelievably colored waters of southern Thailand as we swim, scuba dive, rock climb, raft, and drink pineapple shakes and soak up the sun. It sounds dreamy!

Except when that dream turns into a nightmare and you are left grasping at the threads of what should be a cake walk and struggling to keep students from peeling off one by one. 

The past two days have been like that Agatha Christie book, And Then There Were None, as I witness students dropping like the squashed mosquitos we so fervently swat at. 
It started 5 days into our trip on Railay. After a sunny morning of rock climbing, the rain descended upon us in the afternoon tailed by a lamentable omen of misfortune...

First it was the boys, snared by this omen of ill-will into a tornado of bad decision making that sent 5 of them packing the very next day on a flight to the States. The very next morning, the remaining crew of disgruntled, stupefied, sad or simply confused kids set off for day two of rock climbing which left one of them puking and another nauseous with no visible symptoms. 

The afternoon rain cloud literally and figuratively descended upon us one more, dissipating our beach plans, and leaving a total of 3 students ill with either food poisoning or one of its symptoms. 

Meanwhile, as I stand helpless to cure their illnesses (besides offering Gatorade and words of encouragement), I suffer from my own nausea and the foreboding promise of an ear infection due to the water that has refused to evacuate itself from my left canal these past 3 days. 

Yes, this is a low point for our trip.

What will the next week have in store?

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